Monday, September 3, 2012

What should I do next?

I always listen to my fans because they support and guide me so I have a question for them...what should I do next? Should I have a different line of products, write a new book, do a new TV show? I’m curious and want to hear from you what a great direction would be for me to go in towards something that would benefit you and that you could use from my brand? I’ve been focusing on weddings and I’d love to know if you think I should focus on celebrations? Such as moving into social occasions for fashion, products for celebrations that you could use when putting together an event/party that is not a wedding or wedding related. But I want to know; tell me what you’re looking for, tell me what you need and what you want me to do. Comment below as I’d love to get some direction because I’m ready for my next project :)


  1. I think you are amazingly blessed in everything you do! I would love to see what you do with welcoming soldiers home to a welcome home party, birthday party's, ect. Don't stop my fair wedding! I love that show. Even record it on DVR when I'm unable to watch it at home.

  2. David,

    I've seen several seasons of you doing weddings and while I've watched every episode - most more than once, I'd love to see you revisit how to do a successful event or celebration. A wedding is wonderful - hopefully it's a once in a lifetime experience - but we all plan, participate in or throw dozens of events in our lives. Whether it's a Christmas cocktail party, a dinner party, a birthday party, a baby shower or even a bridal shower, we all do it and it would be nice to see how to do it well.

  3. RENEWING OF VOWS AMD RECEPTIONS!!!!! I purposly typed that in caps. I simply love your creative style, it's so much like the ideas I have in my head. You bring such glamour and amazement to everything you do. If you ever decide to do something in the Midwest, we'll be celebrating our 30th Wedding Anniversary in three years....look us up!!!! Again, you are amazing!

    1. David:
      I think this blogger has a great idea. In today's world; marriages that are lasting should be celebrated. I think this would be a wonderful way to encourage individuals taking their vows now to strive for so they to could celebrate down the road. Maybe writing a book about how these individuals remained married for so many years would be inspirational as well.

      Michele In PA

    2. Wonderful suggestions! Celebrating love sweet love by renewing wedding vows is a wonderful way for all to get in touch with a special love that has endured a lifetime of happiness.

    3. OMGOSH! Great idea!! I would love to see these!! Celebrating amazing years of love and the journey of marriage. BTW, David you are so wonderful and your heart gives so much!! May God bless you and your family always!! <3 <3 <3

    4. Celebrating lasting relationships - while encouraging young relationships - is a wonderful idea.

      An event that celebrates their relationship and incorporates important aspects of their years together would be interesting to watch. Using their memories, belongings, and treasures - similar to what you did with Kenneth's Diner for Debbie and Daniel on My Fair Wedding - would be touching and could provide your viewers with ideas for their own events.

      The idea is two-fold: 1) take the culmination of a long-term couple's time together and turn it into a momentous event that celebrates their relationship; and 2) show younger couples how to enrich their time together so that when they reach their golden years, they have tons of things to use for THEIR special long-term celebration.

      To supplement the event (vow renewal, anniversary celebration, etc.), you can periodically post on your website/blog the couples' stories and their advice for a lasting relationship. Frequent tutorials and ideas for celebrating the "little events" throughout a relationship would secure daily readership.

      Product wise, you can put out items that help people document and celebrate the everyday events in their lives. This can include easy journaling and scrapbooking materials, and a collection of beautiful home goods that make even weeknight dinners special.

      Basically, you're creating a lifestyle product that teaches people to enjoy and celebrate their relationships, and to make every moment of their time together special. The events you plan for the long-term couples are the payoff for the viewers looking to enrich their relationships.

      P.S. If you're ever looking to open a Baltimore or Washington, D.C. office, I'd love to work with you! You have a ready employee in the Mid-Atlantic region.

    5. I think this is a great idea....I am planning a vow renewal and i would love to see you do that for a couple......Think about that....what would be a great gift to a couple who has lasted a long time....

  4. Hello! I would like to tell you that I truly enjoy watching you in everything that you do. You bring such joy and happiness to everyone. You are such a gentle loving soul and I cant help but think that you are an angel. You care so much about everyone. It makes my heart smile just watching you. I would love to see you do all kinds of event planning. from little holiday parties. to back yard bbqs to large scale events. I am over 40 and have wanted to be an event planner for a long time but can not afford the classes so I can not fullfill my "dream" but I certanly can enjoy watching you in all that you do. Thank you for showing us the Good side of people. It is so hard to always see mean people. I thank you and I hope that no matter where your journey takes you on your new endevors that you stay on tv for us to enjoy your wondrful grace and spirit. May God bless you and your's. May God Bless the USA and Support our Troops! Deb in Illinois

  5. David, I have been a big fan since your TV show started airing. I am now watching the newest episodes on Netflix, and have to tell you how much I admire you. Not just as an extremely talented wedding planner, but as a kind, genuinely caring person. You are so inspirational and a wonderful role model for anyone wanting to better themselves! :)

    As for your 'what next' question, I would love to see what you could create with other events! Especially baby showers. Since most of my friends have already had their weddings and we are all starting our own families, baby showers are the next BIG party in our lives! :)

    I'm excited to see what you do next. You truly are an amazing person, and the world is a better place for it!

  6. Hi i just start to tv show and is amazing a live with my fiance for almost twelve year and when i see the show i smile and ecen cry how amazing is your job my english is no perfect i just want to you know that is perfect what you been doing and give other hope that the dreams can come tru thanka for help people with alzehimer that touch my heart my granfather habe that condition and is no easy god bless you and keep doing weddings

  7. Sorry i use my phone for write some letters are missing

  8. Celebrations...Anniversary parties, like 25th or 40th or 50th..
    Our life has so few celebrations...and you, David, are a wonderful teacher on how to celebrate life..
    so maybe on celebrations..
    milestones..things like this..

    or..celebrations for children who are ill..over the top parties..where it is their special day...
    David, you make life a make people stop and realize what is important..

    the world needs more to celebrate!!

    thank you for all you do!!

  9. You should feature gay weddings... It's about time gay weddings were highlighted on your show.

    1. I definitely agree!!!! I believe that no matter who you fall in love with, you should be able to have your dream wedding! My daughter is bisexual, and I would want her to have her ultimate wedding no matter who she chose to spend her life with.

    2. I also totally agree with this suggestion. it would also be neat if you did a traveling season of the show where you went to different cities.

  10. I think you should do a budget wedding TV series. My boyfriend and I are trying to figure out when to get married. Because I decided to go back to school and my parents helped me out with my goal neither me nor my parents have the means to have a wedding. Plus my boyfriend just got a new job in Charleston SC so our finances are low. I have always dreamed of what my wedding would be like. Now because we are ready to be married I may have to settle for a court wedding and a BBQ. I know there are plenty of couples who need help creating their dream wedding with a super small budget.

    1. I think a resource that would help brides plan weddings on a budget would be amazing! My fiance and I are both recent college graduates so we really can't afford something extravagant and are trying to cut corners wherever we can without sacrificing the taste of our ceremony and reception. As we've been planning things and looking for cost effective ways to get married I read an interview with you on talking about wedding favors and your suggestion was to forgo them or use a family recipe as a favor. It was something inexpensive and perfect that I hadn't even considered. Maybe you could write another book with some of the tips and tricks for weddings that you've picked up over the years you've been doing this. Much love to you, David! You seem like such a sweet and fantastic guy!

  11. You are an amazing planner I would love to see you go to more small town area's with your show. If me and my fiancee would ever finally get married, I'd love the chance to have u do are wedding. We live in Southern Indiana. We have been engaged for 8 years by the way. Any ways, It would be really cool if you went further out of the bigger cities.

  12. I would love a new book by you! A book about anything really...amazing and talented people you have met and what you have learned from them, a book about your favorite food from favorite caterers and your own kitchen and recipes that could be prepared in your average home (vegan and allergy free are welcome!), and maybe a book about your favorite gifts to give that do not require packaging...from the heart kind of ideas.

    If you are not wanting to write a book anytime soon, I would be happy with another television show as I just love your personality! :)

  13. I think parties for ill children and teens would be an amazing show. Show what the kids, siblings and parents go threw with these ill children. My brand new baby has a major heart conditon and needs surgaries threw out her life so she can live. I have been at the childrens hospital and seeing all these young children and babies and the parents, it breaks your heart what these people go threw. I think a party would up lift the pain and hurt and sadness that they face daily.

  14. I love everything you do , I'm waiting on you to come on down to North Carolina and grace CHARLOTTE NC with your presence!!!! (HINT HINT!!!!! :)

  15. how about highlighting different wedding/marriage traditions around the world? Showcase events you've planned or done for weddings in other countries. It's interesting to see how other cultures celebrate marriage.
    Also this could not only be limited to weddings - you could do all sorts of parties - find holidays celebrated in certain countries and show us how they celebrate - plan their parties, etc.

    1. Love this idea! I am addicted to the show but I think it would be awesome to showcase events that you've done in other parts of the world. I'm a Caribbean girl living in NYC and it was so hard planning my wedding while in my home country while living in NYC that I decided to start a blog to help others plan. I can only imagine what you could do with your amazing talent, skills and connections for a destination type wedding!

  16. David, all the weddings are just AMAZING, however many women do not have you to swoop in. How about a show where you work within the couples budget, even if it's $5k to pull off something fabulous, and they are going to be your assistants. They may have to enlist friends and family for any DIY projects you have. Flowers especially, what if they had to order wholesale and put together the centerpieces a couple days prior? I am lucky enough to have a production background from years ago, and the ability to search out the vendors I need for wholesale prices on great items. But many girls would have NO idea where to start. Just a thought.
    Nicole Lee
    getting married April 27th, 2013 in Leesburg, with reception at the historic Lightfoot restaurant.

  17. I agree with a few people who have replied... Highlight those that are planning their wedding on a budget. I think it will help others see that your wedding can be fabulous without going broke. Finances (especially these days) are one of the biggest reasons a lot of couples that want to get married can't or won't get married. Some settle for an intimate ceremony while others hold off hoping that eventually they'll be in a space to get it done the way that they envision. It's always something else that takes priority and your wedding continues to get put off. If couples could see your creativity come to light like magic with limited funds they would believe that it can be done! I know whatever you choose will be awesome! I LOVE your show and I cry every time I watch it! LOL! I just hope that one day I'll be able to experience something just as special as your brides! :)

    Tianna Edwards
    New Castle, DE

  18. hey just wanted to say " i am working on my degree to become a wedding and event planner". in the future i would like to be just like you or better lol and make peoples dream come true just like
    you made mind :)

    Bernardo Rivera
    AKA future David Tutera

  19. I love watching your wedding show, and I've been married for 29 years and have no plans to get married again! So I think that appeal is great for TV. You can go big and grand and it's appropriate for the occasion. Renewal of vows sounds appealing (probably because I've been married so long!) but when are they appropriate? On a major anniversary? To let everyone know you still like each other? It seems a bit contrived, although I'd love giving a big party for family and friends. I just don't think I'd personally like to tie it to a vow renewal. There is so much more to celebrate in life. Anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, graduations, homecomings, retirements, births; the list goes on.

    As commendable as it sounds to do celebrations for sick children, isn't that Make a Wish? And having grown up with a serious heart defect, I don't know if having a big party would have made me a better person. And I would hate to feel taken advantage of for the sake of TV, or to feel pitied. There are many sorrows in life, and I'd personally like to deal with them privately.

    But really, I think it is the smaller celebrations that are more doable and sustainable. I love doing dinner parties for family and friends. Ideas on how to make them more spectacular and memorable, without breaking the budget would be helpful to me. But that is probably better suited to a book than a TV show. You could take what you do for the weddings, and scale it back to a dinner party. I'm always looking closely to see what the table settings look like, what the menus look like. What linens did you use, how do the flowers enhance the mood. I love doing keepsake menus for parties, and I'm always looking for new ideas there. Or great centerpiece ideas. A how-to book just on floral arrangements that can be altered to suit the occasion. China and flatware designs, table linens, accessories for the home. How to take a meal from casual to formal with the right accessories and food. There's so much you could do there. In fact, you could build an entire book, by starting out with a white plate and a loaf of bread, and build from there to a formal, over the top extravaganza!

    As far as fashion goes, I'd love more excuses to dress up. I'd love to see fancy holiday clothes back in fashion. David, can you do that? Make it important to dress for the occasion. Even when I try, it's hard to find clothes that are festive and appropriate. And if I find them, I stand out like a sore thumb, because everyone else showed up in sweatpants!

    Bottom line, whatever you do will work if it comes from your heart. You have such an incredible, giving heart within you, and it shows in all you do. That's your gift, and we are lucky that you give it so freely.

  20. I like a lot of ideas my predecessors have presented. I would love to see something about budget friendly weddings (fabulous and classy without being cashy).

    Smaller events are so hard to make memorable so a product, book, or even a show on making the everyday events memorable and wonderful would be fantastic (anything from dinner parties, to anniversary parties, to holiday parties).

    I think etiquette is something that has fallen off the face of the planet for most people and you are one of the most elegant people I have had the pleasure to hear and watch work. Etiquette and traditions for different events would be a wonderful addition to your offerings.

    Last, but not least a line of products following different themes would be amazing. One of the hardest things to do when planning a themed event is provide the atmosphere and feel of the theme as opposed to just plastering the theme all over the place. (I think theme and I just shudder to see how everything a person touches ends up having that themed item in or on it).

  21. Honest to god obsessed with my fair wedding, and your personal line of bridal gowns/shoes/etc all make me melt! You have such a wonderful way with words and such presence! I would love to see you use your talents to help women and men figure out their own styles in their transition years! So helping women/men dress their age/shape/genre, I would trust no other opinion more on what works on me now that I'm growing up and coming into my own!

    Can't wait to see what you come up with next!

    Ilona-Scottsville NY

  22. Please do a book on Second Marriages ~ I know marriages are supposed to last a life time, but in some cases they don't. I would love to know the do's and dont's on Second Marriages.

  23. You are such a creative man and help so many people. Seems to me though you focus on mainly he west coast, whatever your next adventure brings you to do please try to bring it to the smaller towns the more depressed cities people there love you and need your help too!! Im sure you could be a brilliant teacher!!

    Hope all is well
    Live michigan :-)��

  24. I would love if you could pass your gift on to others by teaching event planning classes, hosting seminars, or, if you want to put it in television format, perhaps hosting a competition to find a new member for your David Tutera Wedding Planners Team!

    Can't wait to see Unveiled!

  25. I LOVE your show and as an 9up & coming :)event designer) what I love more then anything is how you edify your brides!!!!! I have seen a few other wedding shows (hmmmm they arent on anymore???) and what sets you apart is not only your INCREDIBLE talent but your heart & relationship with these women. If you do budget weddings (and there are "budget" weddings and there are "BUDGET" weddings) I soooooooooooooooo would LOVE to work with you on THAT! LOL Good budget weddings is me specialty!
    Anyway, whatever you do I am sure it will be a huge success to match your HUGE heart!!!! <3

  26. Without trying to sound selfish, I'd love to see a season of MFW in New Jersey! The cost of a wedding in this state is astronomical (I would know, I've now put off planning three times because of it!) and as wonderful as it is to see MFW on the west coast, I'd love to see how it can be done out here! After all, you love NYC, why not spread your wings out east?!?

    Otherwise, I'd love to see your fashion branch into shoes and handbags! You're fabulous, I love you and I'd love to be able to say, "I'm wearing Tutera!!"
    -Julie Raye
    New Jersey

    1. Love to all the Jersey Girls and Boys!

  27. I saw someone say write a book on how to have a lasting marriage ... great great idea... Why not do something like "hitch" help the guy get the girl or the girl get the guy... Or girl get the girl or guy get the guy.... Before wedding rituals... dating is veryvery interesting. Maybe this would be great for ppl who may be oblivious to this part of the behind of the scenes of the lovers world.

  28. David you are truely an amazing person....ugh i wrote a really good respond then lost it and now I can't remmeber everything I said...ok so like I said your an awesome person everything you have done has been stunning and beautiful and geared toward the everyday people so many people can afford your lines of products. I think you could somehow incorporate your charity into something...not sure what but it means so much to you why not do something with it. Also What about a book for bridemaids and or maid of honor, what to throw the various parties that go along with weddings, games, themes, food...that kind of stuff. also things like how to perform a good speech and how to deal with the indecive bride when the girls tag along to help pick things out for the wedding. My best friend is about to be engaged and I have created a few games and recipes and stuff for her party...our friends cant wait for my party ideas to come to life!!
    Also ladies he has a book about special occasions...its called "The Party Planner"

  29. Also you should do another question and answer at Disneys grand Floridian....I went the last time and it was a great experiance...except that the camera that I took a picture of you and I with was stolen =(

  30. I think you should do budget weddings. I have helped plan my friends wedding. I did my sister's wedding for $4,000 and that included everything including catering, the dress, flowers, and decorations.

    Let's see you do what you do on a $3,000 to $5,000 budget without using your connections as a planner, and do it with 300 guests! Now that's a show!

    If you need help with that - give me a call! LOL! I've done it several times now.



  32. Celebrate with David! I think a new show where you focus on various celebrations, milestone birthday's, anniversaries, graduations... and so on. This show could then develop into a new line of products for party decor and favors. Then.. it could even evolve into a book of party ideas and how to's!

    I would also like to see a book of some of your favorite and most memorable parties, like a portfolio or coffee table book. I like to look at every little detail you create and I think this would be a great way to showcase some of the concepts that you have created that you appreciate the most.

    I think that I would also like to see you do more in fashion, your Fall 2012 collection is drop dead amazing, however, I would like to see bridesmaid dresses. Men's attire would be great also, give the guys a touch of your genius, they deserve to look amazing as well!!

    Please continuing doing My Fair Wedding. And if you are looking to cast for fall 2013 choose Los Angeles again, my October wedding is turning into a three ring circus.. and it is still a year away :( You bring so much joy to your brides and I know that is something that you would not want to stop doing.

    For all of us dreamers out there David, thank you for showing us that dreaming bigger is possible! xoxo

  33. I think you should do all types of celebrations besides weddings. You are just amazing and I can't even picture how far your imagination could go creating any type of event. Sending you Love & great Vibe. Lots of Blessings♥

  34. David, your creations are always spectacular, and I am sure I will be a fan of whatever you do next.

    I'd enjoy seeing surprise parties for people who really deserve to be celebrated– soldiers coming home, a mom/dad who sacrifices for her/his family, etc.

    I look forward to seeing what direction you decide to go in.

  35. I love event planning. I would love more than anything to be able to quite my day job as a glorified receptionist and become the "David Tutera" of the Montery/Santa Cruz Bay area CA. I do events on the side as a hobby right now, Company holiday parties, retirement parties, I was even the Pres. of my son's Grad Night Event, but I want to learn from the best of the best...YOU. So why don't you do some sort of reality show where you teach your skills to a group of hopefuls and the last one standing gets a huge start in their own business from you?

  36. Start a NEW TV show for those who never got their dream wedding!!!! You already make girl's dreams come true who are not married yet, now you can make married ones too!

    1. I agree. so many girls out there were not able to have that dream wedding. would be awesome!

  37. David, what do YOU want to do...? That you haven't done yet? Something you've always held dear in the back of your mind and heart. Share it with us :-)

    1. Like this idea... an opportunity for those of us in TVland or storybook pages to learn about David...

      Like the above response also (kjuli) ... Renewal weddings for couples that are interested in more of the "We do!" My Fair Wedding -Silver Anniversary. Rewedding and 25th anniversary celebrations!

      Best wishes on these new endeavors!

  38. I would love to see you take your sincerity and huge heart to put together parties for children who are terminally or chronically ill. I've watched almost every episode of My Fair Wedding and am continually amazed by how you take the most disasterous of situations and find something positive in them, making the bride feel not like a failure or a disaster, but instead, like the only person who matters to you. Your sincerity and heart come through in everything you say and do.

  39. I have to say, I agree with and LOVE all of the above ideas. I was thinking of a few ideas too.
    I love formal gowns. I would love to see a David Tutera clothing line of just formal gowns; for every occasion.
    I like the idea of doing a T.V. show for other events like milestone birthday's and anniversaries.
    Classes; in some way to teach how to be a better/new event/wedding planner.
    A book; like a cookbook, of all of your favorite dishes and desserts. We know you have a sweet tooth and I sure wouldn't mind having the recipes for your favorite desserts.

  40. Renewing vows!! Our 10 year is coming up and I wanna have to the reception I never got to have.
    2 weeks after we got married my husband had major back surgery and then the past 3 years Ive had 4 back surgeries myself!

    I would give anything to have someone like you make the biggest wish of mine come true. It's been a long hard road and on top of all the surgeries I got a bad staph infection. I know it's a long story, but please dont give up just yet.. I've wanted to write you something for years, but never knew how.

    Please hear my cry for help and come make my dreams as a little girl come true:) I wanna dance with my husband and dance with my dad.. NEVER got to do that.

  41. ID LIKE TO SEE YOU DO VOW RENEWALS.dAVID,YOU ARE WONDERfULL AT WHAT YOU DO.bEING MARRIED 30 YEARS MYSELF i HAVE OFTEN THOUGHT OF RENEWING OURS AGAIN(DID SO ON OUR 10TH).My ultimate dream had been having you plan and execute since we had a very informal wedding at home.But we know we could NEVER afford you.Keep doing what you do you ARE the very best.Hugs and much love to you.


    1. You do have beautiful dresses. I started to design a dress and low and behold you little bugger David, you beat me to the punch, lol.

    2. Yet my dress is still a bit different. :)

  43. Keep doing weddings, but also add in other celebrations as well! 50th wedding anniversaries, vow renewals, children's birthday parties, family reunions, holiday parties, graduation parties, baby showers. The grand visions and expert execution you have with weddings would be wonderful to see translated to different celebrations. You could also show brides how to plan their own wedding and how to stretch their smaller wedding budgets.

    Just keep an open mind and stay stress free. I think your next adventure will come to you very soon!

    Best of luck!

  44. As a planner, I have found that your show has inspired many of my brides to expand their ideas and expand their decisions for their weddings. I think that as a business, your brand is synonymous with weddings. It would be nice for you to do a show, where you can put together a wedding for those with a more modest budget. In My Fair Wedding, the couple may have started with a smaller budget, but of course you take their budget way beyond. I think it you would be even more helpful to your viewers, showing weddings that are much more practical that majority can relate to.

  45. My name is Sarah. I love your show. I would really like to see you plan a camo wedding. I don't mean like military camo. I mean Mossy Oak Camo. That is what my fiance and I are planning... Just a thought. And I also agree with 4celebrations, a smaller budgeted wedding would be nice to see. I don't want to start my married life completely in debt.

  46. How to on a budget.... give ideas, tips and tricks for a wedding to have that million dollar look on a thousand dollar budget...

  47. I think you would be awesome at doing social events. You have a great imagination and know how to put it together.

  48. Hello David My name is Jodell and I watch your show ever chance I get. I just love your biggest wish is to meet you in person, but I was just wondering if you have ever done a same sex weddings???

  49. To my Guru I Would love to see you decorating a wedding on a budget. I am also a planner and designer and watch your show and read your blogs every week. I am inspired by your creativity and the amazing team you have, but I would love to see you do this all on a budget. Think this would be very interesting. With love O.M.G. Events Alexandria

    1. I totally agree. You obviously have a ton of creativity, and that would be showcased even more if you were on some sort of budget. The audience would be able to see another side of your talent. In addition to showcasing your talent, working on a budget might help real life brides who watch your show by will never have the opportunity to receive the gift of you designing their wedding, plan their wedding.

  50. How about giving renewing of marriage vows for 20, 25+ yrs. a try? These are marriages of long standing and have probably been tested by fire. We're planning (or I should say I'm planning) our 20th anniversary for next October and often have thought "What would David do?" Hubby and I watch your show together and do the ooh, aah, OMG! together.

  51. 1. Wedding vow renewal ceremonies instead of anniversary parties!!!

    - My husband and I are on year 16, when every other couple our age has not made it beyond year 3. In today's society I feel like this should be celebrated and showcased.

    2. Surprise weddings for couples who have eloped and never had the dream wedding they always dreamed of. Especially if they have been married for over 10 years.

    3. Showcase couples OUTSIDE of California!

    - I would move to CA if I thought I could get the ceremony that I never had.

    I LOVE YOU DAVID!!!!! God Bless You! xoxoxo

  52. New line of gowns that are not so costly. There are so many girls that want the awesome dress but can't afford it. A line of gowns that look awesome but made with less costly fabric. Your gowns are wonderful don't get me wrong David I love them! But i would never be able to aford one hon! I mean Never! Sorry!!!!!
    Also host couples that want to renew there vows ones like 15 or more years married that never was able to have the dream wedding they wanted but now can have or rehave. There are so many brides that had to go to a JP or have a small wedding becouse of cost or such.
    I love all that u do and just think with todays hard times there should be some thought of us small low income familys that want the best for our family and friends for the weddings. U have been blessed with this great job and wonderful people helping u and U are always giving and its great.

  53. I would love for you to Incorporate an eco friendly wedding design, such as gowns/flowers (organic)/food/supplies...

    Also as others have said a low budget wedding. Just saying if I were to get married right now (which Im not) I wouldn't be able to do anything like what you have on your shows, which are fantastic. Probably would end up making everything myself including the cake. Then I would grow all the flowers in my backyard (seriously). I know you are all about going big! You should go small for the average or below average person trying to plan a wedding. How to plan a wedding on a budget and not have it look like a redneck wedding...

  54. Im not going to sit her and talk about how much I adore you and how great you are. We all know that! You have inspired me in so many ways its unbelievable. For one I am planning my wedding now and your creativity is amazing. What I think would be a fun thing to do is start a show based on teaching people "How to become a wedding planner." I have always dreamed of being a wedding planner and being that person who changes someones life with that one special moment in their life. I think of myself as quite imaginative, but now that I have started watching your shows I find it difficult to plan my OWN wedding because of you magnificant work! Hands down...Teaching people the steps, qualities you need, price and time it takes to become a wedding planner would be a dream come true of mine and I am sure plenty of others! My one wish in life that I would do ANYTHING for is to have 5 minutes with you for some advice! Good Luck! We will all be waiting :)

  55. I would love to see a show that focused on great celebrations for people who deserved them. Possibly have people submit friends and families for stories that touch you. And, I'm not just talking about all the really heart wrenching ones... but, also the everyday ones like the couple who have been together for 60 years and made it work, etc.

  56. Hi David,

    As someone who broke into the business on a prayer, and good old fashioned "busting her butt"; however had to stop short of moving with her dreams, I would honestly love to see a show following the same line of thinking as Design Stars, however formatted to help a few big dreamer/lower income/newcomers to be able to realize their dreams of learning from the best, coupled with helping the winner develop their own wedding planning business. I know there are many people who have great ideas, but are unable to financially realize their dreams.

    Good luck in finding your next direction....

  57. wedding renewals is a great ting. in this day and age most couples don't make it past 4. we're hitting our 15th this year. we got married in front of the JP when I was 8 1/2 months pregnant.
    also maybe a revisit show. How many of these couples that you did a wedding for are still together?

  58. I like the idea of expanding your wedding fashion line to include bridesmaid dresses and yes, even Mother of the Bride Dresses. As a recent MOB myself, I found it difficult to find the right dress for my daughter's wedding. The ones on the market either make you look like a frumpy grandma, or they are more appropriate for teenagers going to a prom! You have such talent at coming up with elegant, yet trendy designs and this would be showcased in designing a line of MOB dresses!

  59. I love the idea of expanding your fashion line into a Bridesmaid Dresses and MOB dresses HUGE NEED.....I also saw a mention of a show featuring military weddings - recognizing vets. That would be a huge show and well watched but it is a great match for your compassion. I also saw above an idea of training wedding planners. You can't teach creativity but, as you obviously know, it takes a team and where do you start. How about wedding planner for a week - have people( not people that are too crazy) shadow your team for a week to see what really happens and follow their experience.

  60. David,
    I am new to your brand, your shows I've watched all of them on Netflix and I have to say you are not only a generous man but your caring you’re so committed to making them happy it’s amazing! I love watching you making these dream weddings watching you transform these women and their lives. I would love to continue to watch you touch the lives of so many people whether it is with weddings or some kind of inspirational ceremony. Watching your weddings let me imagine what I hope to have one day.

  61. HI David,

    A dedicated fan I watch and listen to everything you do. But never has all the inspiration that you give has it ever made it any easier to plan regulare old birthday parties.

    Cake, Balloons, and the mess. This is great when your 3 but what about 30?

    Any new ideas on an old tradition?

  62. David,
    I watch your show everyday, I am recently engaged myself you give me so many great ideas. I would love to see you do weddings in other places like podunk Lewiston, Idaho (Hint Hint). Whatever you decide to do I will watch. But I do think you should think about doing weddings in other places. I would have signed up to be on your show but I don't live in any of the areas you do them in.

    1. I AGREE!!!!! I live in Hilton Head SC and I'm absolutely dying to be on the show...It has always been an absolute dream of mine!!! PLEASE DAVID!!!!!!!

  63. Hi David- I'm a new fan. Loved you on the Steve Harvey show and all of your wedding shows. Would love to see more party/celebration stuff like the segment you did on Steve's show. I thought the ideas were great. While I love the wedding shows, I've already been down the aisle and could use some tips on hosting and throwing fabulous parties. Other than watching a wedding show like My Fair Wedding or other show like that, I'm not sure there are any shows dedicated to providing great, inexpensive tips on how to give a great party with unique themes that aren't your average event. Retail products to help us along the way would be a great idea as well. Good luck!

  64. I think you should have another T.V. series that is a type of charity for brides who can not pay for a wedding on their own. Right now you help people fix their wedding plans to make the day special and more beautiful. Take me and my boyfriend for instance. We are both students and do not have a job at the time. But every chance he gets he buys me jewlery like my promise ring, but he has not had enough money to get me a "proper" wedding ring. He wants to get me a nice engagement ring and wedding band but it will cost him anywhere upwards of $1,000-2,000. Also we would love to get married after I graduate at the end of the school year. My parents wanted me to wait until I got an associates degree at least before I got married. And I graduate this may. We would have already saved for a ring and wedding but have had to put all of our money into unexpected unfortunate events. Like, he paid for my divorce from the man I married when I was 17 who ran me into a lot of dept. And I used all of my money to pay for a lawyer to file bankruptsy. So to sum up you could have another wedding show where you give couples a chance to have the wedding of their dreams that they would never be able to have otherwise. I know it is a lot like the show you have now, but I think that people who have had bad luck like me and my boyfriend should have the chance to get married or at least engaged. You could also just do a charity where you give someone like me one of the rings and dresses in your collection because if I just had that start I could pull the rest together and to be honest we would just enjoy being engaged for now. Thank you for your time -Patricia Hoalland

    1. Could not agree with you more!!! I am engaged to a wonderful man and we have a little girl that has some medical issues that have been expensive and has caused us to have to post pone the wedding at least 6 times with no exaggeration!!! I'm forced to be a stay-at-home mom because of our daughters needs and of course that only leaves our house hold with 1 income. Our budget is so tight that one hasnt really been set because anything at this point is to much. Not sure that we can even afford a marriage license at this point haha. This would be a dream come true for thousands of brides during today's economy. I know I would be one of the first brides to sign up for this show!! Collaborating the low, next to nothing budget with the ability for this show to travel to many different locations would be extremely amazing!!!!!!!! If you decide to do this David, I know that you will be hearing from me!!!!

  65. Bridal show for brides with an extremely tight budget all over the U.S..Collaborating the low, next to nothing budget with the ability for this show to travel to many different locations would be extremely amazing!!
    It's giving the brides in this situation a chance to experience an amazing and remember-able wedding that many think they could never have or deserve. It would make the planning process more enjoyable and less stressful because of $$.. Sign me up! haha
    Thanks David, you are the best wedding planner ever!

  66. David you are such an amazing person! Your heart is beautiful and i just love seeing you express your love and kindness on your show! We need more people like you in this world! I think anything you do in the future will be brilliant because you are a brilliant man! I think you should Design regular clothes not just wedding dresses. you have a great sense of style and if you had a clothing line for all sizes i would definately be a customer! I love you David!!

  67. Dear David thats a hard one and i am sure anything you turn your hand to would be a success.I think it would need to be unique.
    Have you ever seen project x about fashion designers? Maybe you could think along the lines of that but with party planners and have one winner.
    Or even do a follow up show of the brides you helped on this show.
    Or christening planning with your own brand of christening gowns for babies and young children.
    Anyway David good luck but you won't need it you have the midas touch xxx

  68. Well You should do all kinds of event planning or a eventful suprises for others, for example special proposes or birthdays... Everything you touch and create, i am just blown away. You are a master of events, a master in you type of art and should not be just tied to weddings.

    I had a question for you too.... What would you do for a Wedding Anniversary? My husband and I love dragons and castles and plan to get matching dragon tattoos for our first wedding anniversary in March 31, 2013. I would love to suprise him with something special that I know he would absolutely love...Need help with any ideas...I don't know if it should be a party or what. Help me figure something for our first year anniversary with dragons and castles that will show my love and that he will never forget.Please get back with me on some ideas ok. I am going crazy rattleing my brain trying to find something that doesn't cost alot but something he will love. Your amazing with all that you come up with and I want to be a event planner myself someday and would love to be your apprentice. Everything you do somebody that has watched your show can say that they took something from it that we can all endure. Thank you for your amazing work. You are greatness.

  69. Why not a talk show? I have seen you be supportive and listen to what someone has to say, be creative in ways many could not have imagined to create the most beautiful weddings and receptions imaginable. All of the ideas that have come before mine could be incorporated into one show if it were in a talk show type atmosphere. I hate to mention any names but not since that woman who went to "camp cupcake" (there's a clue for you) has there been a TV show that showcases all of what these other people are wanting you to do. You can do segments on wedding/party planning on a budget, celebrating long marriages and what makes them last, help a bride who has no money get the wedding of her dreams, and even how to make your own decor for any occasion including around the house. Don't copy the "diva", just make it better and include stories from people who's weddings you have done, not big stars, although some of those would be fine, just not all. Put everyday people on your show. That's what makes you so special, it's the way you treat the every day person as though they are a celebrity. Show human interest stories and don't make it just about weddings. You are a event planner, not just a wedding planner. You are a fashion designer, not just a wedding dress designer. Weddings are a HUGE part of what you do, but it is not all that you do, focus on some of the other things that you do and that might interest the public. Have regular people on your show who overcome adversity, too. Make a segment where you are demoing a project, and they help you with it.

    Do a variety/talk/how to show that focuses on regular people, that just happens to include a celebrity.

  70. Been watching your show since the beginning when your Mother was helping you as an assistant. I'm a wedding consultant and coordinator for the past 25 plus years located in Southern California, so David, WELCOME to California.
    What you are doing in your chosen career is wonderful. Stay with it. You are a true success and seem to love what you do. "Don't mess with success" the saying goes. Venturing out into other areas can dilute your talents. If anything, the artistry of flowers is an area where you would also shine. But seeing the chemistry that you have with the bridal couples and families - that's where you should remain. Keep up the good work making the most gorgeous days for these lucky couples.
    I do also like the idea for celebrations of weddings anniversaries for couples of 45, 50, 55, and 60 years of marriage. I live in a 55 plus community near Palm Springs and we celebrate many of these couples - some even as much as 65 years of marriage. You would be great at this venture.

  71. David,
    I tried to post once before, but not sure if it worked (I can't seem to find my post).

    Anyway, you seem like such an AMAZING person, and I think the giving nature of your soul is very apparent. I think, given your extensive experience working with couples, you would be an amazing match maker. I would like to volunteer as your first victim, uh, I mean I have been out of the dating loop since 2001, I'm a single mother, have a great, but high stresss job working with teens who are either trauma victims, or have had to be removed from their family's custody. My marriage was to some who cheated, and was very controlling and emotionally abusive, and I'm finally trying to move on and remind myself that if I was strong enough to end the marriage, I should be confident enough to put my self back out into the world, and let my guard down. The place I work at can (due to the nature of our job) only hire females, so no chance for me to find a date there, and I am basically home with my son aside from that. I have about 3 days a month to myself, and have just lost any clue about how the dating world works. I have tried online dating, but that has got me nowhere.....HELP!!!! Maybe just let me tag along to the weddings you put on, and I'll find a suitable mate that way (I'm a great assistant) (kidding). But seriously, I adore you (based on what I see through My Fair Wedding), and would trust you 100% to help me find love. <3. -Bonnie

  72. Oh...and then if the match you found for me (and other people you matched up) worked out, you could plan our weddings!!!!! That would be an awesome twist!!

    1. Another cool aspect would be that you could spend a few days with the potential matches, to really get a feel for who will work with who. You could have the potential matches demonstrate their skills such as cooking, what they do for fun, leisure time, etc. You could also give them fashion/style help before their first meeting with their match.

  73. I just sent you a message using your "Contact Us" form so I won't repeat everything I said and asked, but the gist of it is that every year we put on a non-traditional prom here in Rochester, NY for the LGBTQAI youth from the entire Genessee Valley (250 kids from over 17 schools and colleges combined!).

    We'd LOVE any inspiration you can offer us. Every bit of advice is welcome!! We have eight months to plan it and I swore I'd do everything I can to help make this event special for these kids this year.

    Would you consider doing a show consisting of "special" or "different" kinds of events? There is a lot of drama and emotion in controversy, and I can tell you that we have so many amazing and inspiring people of every color of the LGBT rainbow and their allies here surrounding this event and this mission.

    Thanks for considering it!

    Susan Elizabeth Macaluso

  74. Okay, so some more ideas are: Anything that involves TEARS! I LOVE TO CRY! It just makes me love you more, seriously. Anything that involves special people doing special things for other people is sweet to watch.

    I loved one of the first ideas about welcoming home a soldier...
    So in line with my original request for advice on the LGBT prom in Rochester what do you think about dances/proms? Homecomings. Celebrating peoples efforts and obstacles and adversity.

    Some of the LGBT kids get kicked out of their homes for coming out. They face a lot of adversity. Many of them live in the city with friends and are poor. Their prom should be special and amazing and give them a place to feel welcome and celebrated.

    A wounded soldier, or once who's been away for years deserves a town-sized homecoming dance.

    An elderly couple celebrating 65 years of marriage can renew their vows surrounded by the whole family, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren (because being married that long is a fricking miracle and deserves a prize!).

    A football team that wins homecoming game against all odds, or they have a wounded or sick teammate. Maybe a coach or adult helped them out in some way. They might want a dance and a barbecue.

    A college graduation party for the student who graduated against all odds.

    When I think of these kinds of events what they all have in common from a product/profit perspective is table linens, napkins, dinnerware and silverware, napkin holders, candelabras, candle sticks, CANDLES! Flower vases, cookware...

    You could design an elegant line, everyday line, picnic line, contemporary home decor line, and a fun/whimsical/theme(?) line and showcase each different type depending on the event you create.

    In Texas I was once a Cotton Bowl Hostess. We were the girls from Texas A&M who hosted the Ohio Buckeyes (Cotton Bowl January 1, 1987) by welcoming them to our city of Dallas (I live in Rochester now). We were the ladies, basically, who showed up at all the events during their stay to entertain the young men. We hosted a gala dinner and a barbecue on game day. Oh there is a LOT of drama with those ladies, the players and especially the old lady who was in charge of all us gals. She was strict!

    I bet if you asked people to come up with these kinds of events you'd get a ton of responses!

    Hope this helps!

  75. Hi,
    My name is Sandy and I'm new to watching your program. I keep watching and wondering, "Is David really that genuine and caring?" Your compassion and willingness to listen to people is unbelievable. When I watch the program, I think back to my wedding. My sister in law made all the bridesmaid dresses. They were a lavender color, knee length, and she did a beautiful job. I made my wedding dress. My sister in law used the same pattern as mine for the bridesmaid....not the exact same thing but similar with a peplum. My dress was pretty and the pictures turned out nice, but bby the time I was done making it, I didn't "love" it as you say. About a week before the wedding I wanted to make a different one, but there was no time. Anyway, your program makes me think about my courting and such. Now that I think back, I don't think there was a formal, romantic proposal. We are going on 30 years this October, and my daughter's birthday will take priority for celebration again because she will be turning 18, and we don't mind because we love her so much. I keep dreaming of having a reunion with friends ....but it is only a dream. I think a program to help people who celebrate big, big wedding anniversaries would be nice since those are becomming rare. Like maybe 40 years and up? Sandy Kofoed

    1. Another thing I wonder every time I watch is who in the heck pays for all those special things you add in to help the bride and the groom have an unfortgettable wedding? I was thinking that probably a lot of companies contribute for free for the advertising....but is that really true? It is truely amazing how you transform their celebrations into settings that are so very beautiful. :)

  76. David, you are an awesome designer and I think it is wonderful that you want to include your fans "in your next step," however ultimately you have to follow your heart, because whatever the decision, it has to be what works best for you. Can you imagine doing something you didn't really love,all because someone else decided for you? I think you would be one unhappy camper. Follow your heart!!!!!!

  77. You are specially good at connecting to others heart to heart David. I would love to see more of you on TV. I appreciate how caring and loving you are. I would enjoy it if you continue making true meaningful dreams. Not necessarily weddings but special events or wishes where your talents and caring continue to shine and delight us. You are a wonderful being David. It would be an honor to meet you some day and to work with you! (I love coordinating events, you do much more than that, you create magic, I love it!)
    Blessings to you and your team.
    Ofelia Mancera

  78. Honestly I love your visions and your style. Have you thought about home furnishing and designs. I would love to see rooms in houses designed by you. You care for things and people close to your heart and I bet people would love to live with that more than just a one day thing like a wedding. I would love to see you turn a house into a home. Your amazing person and have many talents. Take the magic your bring in a day to something someone could live with always.

  79. David,
    It's obvious you can deliver a commercial product that is extreme though relatable. You have found a formula for success. However I think artistically you can push yourself outside of this formula. Maybe its not in the context of a wedding, but in special events? I would love to see you push towards that avant garde event territory. Maybe its not what a lot of networks think is commercial, but what is now considered commercial is becoming dated and isn't challenging you viewer. I hope they're loyal enough to follow your to most extremely creative zones.
    P.S. where i'm coming from is- /

  80. Hi David

    I am loving My Fair Wedding. As a newly qualified Wedding Planner your ideas are so inspirational but now I feel I shall never reach the heights that you have. I think that whatever is your next project it will be special so good luck with it.

  81. Hi David

    I'm actually stalking you everywhere. Instagram, emails etc. I just can't get enough of you right now lol

    I would like to see you do children's birthdays. I have twins and for 2 years in a row I've tried to make the parties bigger but what I have in my mind never comes out exactly, although still a pretty good job. I know it may seem cheesy but where I come from, our generation is trying to do for our children what our parents couldn't such as throw unforgettable birthday parties, not just for the children to enjoy but the families too.
    Shakarika from South East London

  82. Etiquette and celebration series. America has lost the tradition of how to properly act in certain environments and who better to guide us back than you?

    I know many people mentioned budget (anything). For me, budget is necessary on any project. Big or small, it is all in how you handle it... and that is what etiquette is: knowing how to handle any situation.

    Thank you for your inspiration and comforting spirit.

  83. Dear David,
    You talent for planning over the top events amazes and inspires me.
    After watching all of the episodes available on Netflix, I am truly excited to become an event planner myself and make other people's dreams come true the way you do!
    I think a fabulous idea would be to create a show where you work with aspiring planners to create magnificent events.
    While I don't believe anyone could pull it off with your flare, I do think the world would appreciate more Wedding and Event planners with training from David Tutera. I'll be happy to be the first person on this series!
    Beth from Avon, IN

  84. David
    I think you should come to CT and plan my wedding :)
    I love you and all that you do for your bides and I really do cry at each episode, esp your breast cancer survivor episode, or the one where you brought your brides father whom she never met in her life to her wedding :'( so amazing and i could feel each emotion of these ladies. keep on doing what your doing in the end on which ever you decide to do you will always have an audience
    - Elizabeth Meriden ct

  85. I think it would be great if you showed those of us who do have a budget how to have a great wedding. I love "My fair wedding" but most of it is not practical for anyone who is on a budget.

  86. I'm still praying you'll come to Ohio for an episode of my fair wedding, because I could so use your heart felt brilliance:)..But if your heart is set on expanding its horizon I think it would be a great idea to brighten up your sky by doing children's birthday party's! Children have a unique innocents & mostly love anything you do for them, but as a parent we get so caught up in trying to make things perfect for our children that we don't realize the extent of our promises.. Example.. I have 1 child & he is turning 2 in November, he absolutely loves Disney's jake & the never land pirates but doing themes for a child's birthday is a nightmare! I can not find him a cake I'm having troubles with finding halls that allow things for children's party's & finding/making coordinating decorations is very laughable at this point. I made his 1st birthday work out (it was Mickey Mouse) by making a lot of my own things which was very hard (stressful) & more time consuming than it should have been, but it also kept me as a sideline to my child's 1st birthday. I think if you show us the how to, where to & when to that it would help a lot of parents elevate stress & take part of there child's celebration. Just make sure you go with your gut in your decision making it will guide you in the right direction :) Your a wonderful person that puts out a lot of good energy & I'm sure you'll be great at anything you set your heart on. Be calm & it will come to you... god bless David & good luck cant wait to see what you come up with next! Xoxo from: Amber

  87. Hi David,

    You are a true blessing! I admire you for your big heart, passion, and unyielding dedication.
    Your contributions make a real difference! I would like to see "My Fair Wedding" DC, Illinois etc. Spread the love around :)


  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. Your show,beautiful and amazing. Of course you are told that frequently. It does something different for me. I was sure there was alot of "behind the scenes" yet I could still tell you were a positive person. Someone who knows about the power of visualization to create reality. When I am not feeling positive,I surround myself with beauty and inspiration to get thru it. Watching your show, episode after episode, is a powerful tool for changing perspective. Dream bigger right?:)
    So in response to an opinion on what you should do next... I would suggest a book.Maybe not about weddings per say,as it is clear that there is much more to who you are, it would be inspirational. It will circulate long after the show is done, and long after some wedding fashions have passed. It keeps giving financially as well for your future

  90. Hey David,
    I think a line of David Tutera wedding invitations would be a great project! Also a book about destination weddings would be visually enticing and probably extremely fun to plan and write!
    You could do a section on various locations around the globe, Caribbean, USA, South Pacific, etc etc! Just imagine the inspiration to all of the brides out there! Think of all the different themes....also think of all the INCREDIBLE floral arrangements.(flowers are my favorite thing on your shows)
    Anyway, I love your show and your creative vision is simple incredible.

  91. Hi Mr. Tutera!

    I love your show, weddings are always heart warming, but as the other ones suggest, having welcome parties to all those who serve our country will be great, they deserve more that a great welcome party! also extending your excellent organizational skills and wonderful ideas would be great at sweet sixteen or "quinceaneras", some girls end with no party cause these days is expensive and the economy is not helping at all =( all you do is great! all relative to parties, celebration, organization, planning, etc etc is endless =) Even doing family celebration, specially celebrating when our old ones turn 100 yrs!!! could be a great idea, cause not all have that blessing =) Love how you help everyone by having a wonderful unforgetable event, God Bless You Always!!!

  92. Dear David, I just wanted to mention something I noticed while watching.the Heaven & Earth episode. The mesmerizing emblem in the church you replied was like yours is actually an Illuminati Eye as well as the outside one. Also known as Eye of Horus or Ra-emphasis on ur last two I dunno but I would change churches then, lol, bcuz it syands for Lucifer unless that is u worship Satan (they believe he's God.) Also it seemed a little mockery when telling your assistant you'd £davr.her" & later that you meeded a freakin miracle. Of course I do not know your heart, but felt I should share. People really need to be aware of all these occult symbols popping up everywhere-especially in our so called Christian churches. Anyway, I wish you the best on your career and your spiritual journey. :-) Oh, here is the pics I'm referring to.

  93. It won't let me upload the pictures but it was the purple stained round glass in the church. (one outside too)

  94. Yes David , stay with weddings , but if you are getting a little burned out with all the same thing then it would be a good direction to do special events, such as birthdays, huge "Disney" corporate functions, a baby shower for an unsuspecting mom. I think you need to do surprise situations for people that really need some miracles in their life. I sent you an email and maybe reading that would help direct you in this path.

  95. Dear David , while doing weddings is absolutely the best celebration to build and create, there may be times that you need to just step back and refuel on something else. Maybe baby showers, birthdays , Make a Wish parties for dying children , surprise being the optimum word. I think doing or expanding your pallet to include something else can renew the soul , renew the burned out , over used same candles, sparkles, flowers ...etc. Maybe there are people out there that need a miracle to change their lives and everyone around them. I sent a email to your contact line, maybe it will give you an idea of where or what direction to take and maybe it will speak to that part of your soul that asked the question in the first place. God Bless You .

    November 3, 2012 9:16 PM

  96. David, Have you ever thought about maybe doing a wedding (renewal of vows) for an anniversary. There are lots of couples that when they got married couldn't afford to have a wedding and settled. I like the ideas of baby showers as well.

  97. Hi David!!
    I agree with the person who mentioned about Renewal of Vows!! I recently came across your show and have not stopped watching! I LOVE the way you are able to help create a dream out of a confusing moment. Vow renewals would be great!! Although I would watch any show that have you!! You are awesome! I'm sure people tell you that all the time, but you are GREAT!

  98. Any kind of celebration would be great. One thing I would like to watch is how to scale down a party without resorting to thrift store decorations. Not all of us have the resources to go big like you do in your show. Is there a way to translate what you do to more intimate and less expensive affairs?

  99. David you are my HERO i love your shows so much and you are amazing!<3 just simply amazing!!!!! I am going to be a young wife and bride so i think you should plan a show with young brides.
    but i think it would be really cool for us younger women. (:
    Oh and i am going to read all of your books<3

  100. David,

    You are an inspiration and role model to many. For those of us interested in becoming an event planner, it would be wonderful to read a book by the expert himself on what it takes to become a successful event planner. You know the ins and outs of the business and I am sure you would have great advice on how to get started, what every event planner should know, and how to be extraordinary. You have touched the lives of so many people and brought joy to everyone around you. Thanks for all that you do.

  101. Hi David! I'm so happy for you. Congratulations on being the most sucessful wedding planner in the world. I'm a huge fan of your work and love My Fair wedding. I'm not sure if you plan destination weddings already but it would be awesome if you could write a book and/or plan destination weddings for your brides. I recently got engaged and we plan on having a destination wedding but I'm finding it to be extra stressful because I'm no where near the locations that we're thinking of going. It's really difficult looking at pictures of venues and making decisions. A lot of my issues with having a destination wedding is that most of the options to choose from do not have a personal touch. Everything seems cookie cutter and boring. Thank you for everything that you've done for brides.... Even the difficult ones. You rock!

  102. David, it would be fantastic to see your skills and creativity at work in the non-profit sector... specifically helping small "hometown" non-profits that don't have the widespread recognition (and support) that larger, national non-profits have. Most non-profits have at least one major annual fundraising event, even though just about any development director would tell you that "the money" isn't in events - expenses tend to be high and event prep tends to be labor-intensive. Events do, however, help raise awareness in the community and widen the network of supporters assisting a non-profit... so they are a necessary evil! :)

    Every week as I watch My Fair Wedding, I think about how easily the premise could be applied to a non-profit's event - finding a location, focusing on a theme, dressing the coordinators, creating the perfect atmosphere for guests, etc. As one half of a crazy-busy development office for a children's home, I know how amazing it would be for us to have someone with your talent and experience to help us pull together one of our big annual fundraising events. And I'm certain there are other non-profits that are in the same boat as our Home - small development staffs trying to wear multiple hats (fundraising, communications, awareness, event planning, etc.) - that would benefit greatly from having professional assistance with their major events. So... that's my suggestion for your next project! And if you decide to go in that direction, Children's Home of Northern Kentucky volunteers to be the "guinea pig" for it! ;)

  103. I have seen suggestions from other people and really like to second about marriages from other cultures, as finding people to do them is difficult and very few people understand others traditions and are ready to move outside their comfort zone.

  104. David you are a great listener and because of this, you are able to connect with clients and go beyond meeting their expectations. You make them feel good and complete about themselves and their wedding. The most important piece you leave with your clients is recognition of self and how important it is to be happy! I believe your new adventure will be grand and successful, so I say to you Congrats in advance!

  105. David I love watching your shows.I remember when you did ides for parties on a budget. I am crafty myself. I would love to see a show where you help people throw fantastic parties just because. I have always wanted to throw a party for friends and family just for the heck of it. The only problem is I could not afford to do what I wanted for so many people, even if I did it myself. I will probably never be married but would love to throw an over the top party. It could be "For Those Who Will Never Be Married" Show. Just an idea. Love ya and will keep watching.

  106. David and team,

    Congrats on the success of the show and to what seems to be an even better format. My only fuss would be that with the title change the dvr didn't recognize and record and I missed a few episodes!
    I agree that an anniversary season or a low budget season would be awesome and I would even watch you doing a make-a-wish type show (cause let's face it, we love watching YOU David). But the nearest and dearest to my heart would be a gay wedding season. I've been wishing for it since I first discovered your show years ago. Maybe you won't do something like that until its legal in all fifty, but you have plenty to work with now! It would also be great to see something someplace other than L.A.! Yes you have your favorite vendors there but why not showcase vendors and venues in other parts of the country? Surely David Tutera likes to travel? ;)
    Thanks for giving us a forum to spill our two cents. And while I'm sure you and your creative staff don't actually need the ego boost, thanks for making a show that makes me weep a little ALMOST every time. And Happy Holidays! !

    1. I agree with Krissy! A gay wedding season would be brilliant! It's so "never been done before!" I think the world is ready for it!

  107. Dear David,

    I have watched with much joy and laughter many many of your My Fair Wedding Shows...and always wished to be one of the brides who benefited from your creative genius and loving care! Now at 55 yrs old I am going to be committed to the love of my life - my suggestion for something new would be some of your My Fair Wedding Brides (the Mature Set!). I have sent you another email regarding my own personal situation, but want to add my two cents worth on where you could go with the show and really make even more brides happy! Some of us were not so lucky to be young and tiny and gorgeous when we married our one true love, but we still dream of being that special princess for a day! What better person to make that happen than David Tutera!

    Thank you for hearing my suggestion and I wish you many many more years of making all of us who love you and your gift happy and cry tears of joy!

    Warm Texas Regards!!
    Joanna Lundschein - Austin, TX

  108. How do you start a post to a world renowned wedding planner? Dear? Mr? Just David? Humm.... I'll pick...

    Master Tutera,

    That is what you have become to my 8th grade daughter.Shes been watching My fair wedding for years now.Every time she watches she says " I wish David will still be doing weddings when I get married".In her career class in school she did her class project on being a wedding planner and yes your face was in the middle of the poster board.Mind you she did get an A and everyone loved it. She cant wait till shes old enough to get married so you can plan HER wedding. Ok wait.. I dont want her gettin married till shes like 30 something. So I have a great idea. Why dont you try an 8th grade graduation party! How about we hire you for one and you see if you like it ..(chuckles) Sky's the limit.. Start the ladies on a lifetime of David Tutera.. 8th grade graduation , 12th grade, college, marriage.. you could to the ultimate David Tutera package " Birth to Marriage " Holy smokes that is thinking BIG!

    Well best of luck with your new project,
    A mom of a loyal fan till marriage Heather

  109. Graduation/anniversary/baby showers/adoption parties/reunion parties. I have always wanted a "freedom" party. My husband and I have been married 34 years. The wedding was a disaster. The zipper broke on my homemade wedding dress so we had to skip out of the wedding before cutting the cake. The wedding coordinator clashed with my grandmother and actually squirreled away items that were not used. Wedding gifts were stolen. We paid for our own wedding and it was all good. We are grateful that we have each other. I have always wanted to have a freedom party denoting that I am now free of my parental responsibilities since my youngest turned 18. Of course, I love my kids but is it time now for my husband and I. We don't want to renew our vows. We want to celebrate our empty nest. There needs to be more celebrating after 50. Life begins again.

  110. Lol. I love your show! You are so thoughtful and creative. I almost want I take notes sometimes, but I'm pretty sure it'd be pointless for me to even BEGIN to attempt to try something like that -even on a small scale.
    As for suggestions, I think it'd be awesome if you could take on smaller weddings or maybe feature brides from all over the U.S. Aren't all of them from LA? Sorry if I'm wrong about that!!!!

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  112. David,
    I am constantly amazed by your talented gift. Anything you would choose to do would be a joy to watch. I would be interested in a segment on vow renewal as my husband and I are planning a small garden renewal wedding for our 40th in 2015. Its been quite an exciting roller coaster ride over the years and we still are best friends, make each other laugh, and love each other more than ever. Wishing you the best on all of your future endeavors.

  113. Proposals! I just got engaged a few weeks ago. I was a single mom, I had my beautiful daughter Charlotte when I was a Jr. in college. She is 5 now, and I have been with my fiancée since she was 2. When my fiancée proposed we were visiting our favorite lake that we have taken Charlotte too for the past few years.He got down on one knee, and gave my daughter a fabulous strawberry ring pop :) When he brought out my ring we were all crying/laughing. He left Charlotte take the ring out of the box and put it on my finger. It was the most touching moment of my life and I am so lucky and thankful that he included my daughter. We are getting married in May 2014. Obviously every wedding I have seen you do on TV is absolutely amazing so anything you chose to do would of course be amazing....but I think focusing on how men propose and what they go through would be really awesome!

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