Monday, September 26, 2011

Shout-out to Charlotte, NC!

I just did a beautiful wedding in Charlotte, North Carolina… and it was probably one of the best weddings of my career. The bride and groom were wonderful, of course. But I was simply amazed by the level of expertise, professionalism, and attention to detail I saw from the local vendors we hired. Everyone, from the delivery person and the wait staff to the lighting assistant and the MC, executed every last element with such care and perfection. And this is really saying a lot because the number of people that worked on this wedding was in the hundreds! It was obvious that each individual took their job seriously and really believed in the product or service they were providing.

As many of you know, I’ve worked in this business a long time, but seeing people put their hearts and souls into their work like this is something that still brings me a great deal of joy. I know I’m always talking about the smaller cities and towns… but the ones I’ve visited always seem to have the most genuinely kind and helpful people. So kudos to Charlotte, a city I look forward to visiting again… hopefully sooner rather than later!



  1. First of all, I LOVE your show. I love the joy you bring to people and how beauty follows you. You make me laugh, cry, then smile again. I love it!

    I'm having a wedding in Charlotte in a couple months. I was hoping to find some pictures from your Charlotte wedding because I know you used some of my vendors... where can I find photos? Feel free to email them to me...

    Oh and if you want to send me a signed copy of your book, I will send you my address :-)

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